Concierge Optometry
Book Your Private One-on-One with Dr. Maylin Gonzalez, OD
Eyed LA Optometry is redefining eye care with a private concierge-style experience, offering full one hour appointments in a uniquely modern setting with Dr. Maylin Gonzalez, OD.
From the moment you enter, an open floor plan creates a welcoming boutique-style environment. During your appointment, you’ll be the only one receiving care and full attention from the doctor, creating a special relationship-based practice unlike any other. We also pride ourselves on going far beyond your appointment, offering ongoing communication directly with Dr. Gonzalez.
Eyed LA creates a personal, fresh and dare we say, fun, approach to optometry. Book an appointment, come join us in our revolutionary space and let us welcome you to the Eyed LA experience.
COVID Precautions
Mask Upon Request
Private Visit with Doctor Only (No Staff)
Exam Services
Comprehensive Eye Exam
Full eye exam determining your prescription for glasses and overall health of your eye. This exam provides a prescription for glasses.
Intermediate Eye Exam
Partial exam only providing a prescription for glasses. No health checks are provided during this exam.
Contact Lens Fitting Exam
This is an add-on to your comprehensive exam. This exam provides a prescription for contact lenses.
Medical Eye Exam
Eyed LA no longer provides medical visits; feel free to email for referral information.
DMV Eye Exam
Measure vision as determined by your state to renew your driver’s license, forms to be provided by the patient.
Follow Up Eye Exam
These visits are included within the first 30 days of your original visit to address any additional concerns pertaining to your comprehensive exam and contact lens fitting.